Saturday, November 29, 2008

First post... and an announcement!

Hello all, just posting to the new blog, making sure it works, and...

Oh yes, I have bought the parts for the radio telescope feed! It consists of four simple TV antennas some coax and a four-way splitter! Ain't working on an astronomy band in the UHF TV band great (channel 37, 608-614 MHz)? As for as the 1420 MHz hydrogen line feed goes, I will have to roll my own, probably a collinear array of folded dipole/rod reflectors. I am also going to make one of these for 608-614 MHz, as the feed I'm building now constitutes a lot of blockage for an aperture a little over two wavelengths wide (that doesn't figure in diffraction either) ;) Anyway, I will build the feed and hope for the best, I really don't have much of a way to test it, besides the sun (though a fellow from Norway, Jan Lustrup, is giving me a noise source and attenuator, so I can do some more controlled measurements). Anyway, as soon as the TV antennas get here I'll post here ASAP.

Cheers, KM.